Saturday, June 25, 2011

I think I found an additional bug in gwt

I think if the visible item count is exceeded then sometimes the listbox returns something that the development mode doesn't understand. Need to investigate further.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Had to upgrade to the google canvas as well

For now I am leaving in the load images method from gwtcanvas as I am not sure if that is anywhere.

I managed to get the new canvas working despite not being able to use the official canvas object. That required a contextual shift, as I am used to drawing within the lines.

Google voice looks like it got a pretty major upgrade.

Which is good as someone mentioned that it downloaded 40 ogg files when they first used it.

I am still leaving the sound muted to start with, but hopefully this is no longer an issue.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Pausing while doing a selection box, not a success

I was trying to do a selection box that paused when you held the mouse down. However it did a brief pause on normal clicks that I didn't like.

I'll probably eventually look into pausing after so much time of the mouse movement, but for right now I'd mark it a failure.

Seriously optimized my game

It turns out I was refreshing the entire canvas on every single persons turn. Now it only refreshes half the canvas on the entire turn.

For a pausing turn based module I will need to add in a flag that lets it go back to the previous mode though.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Added the ability to upload resources

In profile you can go to manage resources and add your own images to use

For pretty much anything just add an image key with the path and it should override the default image.

One thing to note is that for the image loader I am using there is no "on failure" way to see which images are missing. So if one is broken none will show up. I could at least add in a warning that displays everything that the game was trying to load. Havent yet though.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dungeon crawl tiles

I don't really have a distribution package, but I thought I'd give them a shoutout.

Part of the graphic tiles used in this program is the public
domain roguelike tileset "RLTiles".
Some of the tiles have been modified by Terra

You can find the original tileset at:

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The joy of being random and unfair

When I played baldur's gate 2 I would spend an inordinate amount of time rerolling my character in order to get the stats that I wanted.

NWN did away with this (I assume due to V3 DnD rules) and I was always disappointed when I had to update stats without a random component.

Incidentally I think my favorite part of Civilization is regenerating the map until I get a favorable map.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Chrome canvas development mode stopped working

I researched around for a while and couldn't really figure out the issue. I suspect it might have to do with the way chrome updates.